
Manual installation on PowerPoint for Windows

Get our free calculator add-in to see how easy it is to add new custom features to PowerPoint for Windows.

Manual Installation instructions

1. Download the calculator add-in and save it anywhere on your computer

2. Copy/Paste this location: %appdata%\Microsoft\AddIns into the File Explorer address bar and press enter:

3. Open Windows File Explorer, locate and select the downloaded ppam file and press ctrl+x

4. Paste the ppam file to the above folder by pressing ctrl+v

5. Open PowerPoint

6. Click File / Options / Add-ins

7. At the bottom of the window in the Manage drop down, select PowerPoint Add-ins and then click Go

8. In the Add-ins window that opens, click Add New…

9. In the file browser, select the BrightCarbonCalculator.ppam file

10. Click OK, followed by Close

Using the Calculator

Once installed, you’ll see a new BrightCarbon tab in the PowerPoint ribbon.

Click the tab and then click the Calculator button.

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There is absolutely no doubt that the BrightCarbon presentation was a quantum leap beyond anything else at the conference with respect to the clarity of the presentation.

Curtis Waycaster Smith & Nephew