Mar 2025

Best known by some for our persuasive presentations, the brilliant BrightCarbon team also excel in effective eLearning. And alliteration! Our skills developing eLearning that works are called on more often than our talent with literary devices, so I was excited to sit down with BrightCarbon’s eLearning development lead Kelly Atkins. We discuss our eLearning process, common client challenges and cake – enjoy!

Mar 2025

The goal of presenting inclusively is to make sure none of your audience are excluded due to their background or abilities. Even if you think you know your audience – many people could be experiencing invisible disabilities or situational limitations that could affect their ability to participate. But taking steps to ensure your presentation is inclusive and accessible is likely to benefit everyone!

Mar 2025

PowerPoint gives people a lot of freedom,​ but in a large organisation this can be more of a curse than a blessing. Most employees aren’t designers so it can take them a long time to make presentations, and PowerPoint can encourage the wrong behaviour (not least with its famous ‘Click to add text’ instruction!).​ How can you improve your corporate presentations?

Mar 2025

Calling all eLearning aficionados! We’re back with a brand-spanking new blog post all about eLearning assessments. When we work with subject matter experts to develop multiple-choice questions we see the same mistakes again and again that make a big impact on the validity and reliability of assessments. But don’t despair, we’re going to show you how to fix them!

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