Mar 2025

Some presentations require the exact same chart, graphic, or image on multiple slides. A new feature of PowerPoint 2016 is zoom links. With this feature, you can work around the issues of having multiple versions of a graphic throughout a presentation: PowerPoint will do the updating legwork for you! Read on to find how to make the most of this new feature.

Mar 2025

Microsoft has released Presentation Translator, a translation tool for PowerPoint. It’s part of the Microsoft Garage Experimental Project, so you can imagine it’s not perfect yet, but it promises big. According to the website, it is a PowerPoint add-in that allows you to add live subtitles to your presentation, and it will translate the text in your PowerPoint document. But – does it work?

Mar 2025

As a founding member of the Presentation Guild, Sandra Johnson has trailblazed her way through the presentation industry. I recently had the opportunity to chat with her all about how she’s built a career from being a PowerPoint MVP, how she co-founded the Guild, and what she would like to see in the world of presentations.

Mar 2025

A good PowerPoint presentation is the culmination of many hours of hard work and careful planning. You’ve spent a lot of time researching, fact-checking, structuring and practising that all-important presentation. Now, what if I were to tell you that, despite all your hard work, there’s a good chance that at least 10% of your audience will have a hard time accessing any of your content?

Mar 2025

Stock imagery is often the go-to solution for those who need to dress up corporate presentations that are text-heavy or missing visuals. When used well, stock images can help balance slides, make them more compelling and tell a story. But poor use of stock imagery can make slides look lazy and old-fashioned. To avoid stock image clichés, read on for 6 dos and don'ts of using stock photos in your corporate presentations.

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