Feb 2025

What happens if you're tasked with a project where you can't rely on your beloved Adobe suite and - shock of all horrors - you have to use PowerPoint? I grant you, PowerPoint may not be the obvious choice for a piece of design software. However, it is possible to create beautiful things with it. This is much easier of course if you know some tricks of the trade – as luck would have it I have complied a list to get you started.

Feb 2025

There’s a new feature in PowerPoint 2016 called ‘Screen Recording’ that allows you to record video (exported as an MP4) of hand-drawn sketches, which can serve as a great tool for many different applications, including presentations, eLearning and training. For anyone who is new to the Screen Recording tool, this blog will serve as an easy introduction on how to best use its functionality and get the best results...

Feb 2025

We live in a world where there is already an overload of data and information, with a constant stream of statistics and surveys being produced, all designed to persuade us to change our behaviour, our buying habits, or our views. The need for infographics has never been greater.

Feb 2025

I often find myself thinking about PowerPoint, and there's nothing I like more than finding out about a feature that helps me improve my PowerPoint productivity, or helps me to make something really cool. I've had a quick nosey around the Office Store and I've found three pretty nifty PowerPoint plug-ins that claim to do just that: Shutterstock Images, Mentimeter, and Symbols and Characters. I’ve given them a test drive so you don’t have to! Let the testing begin!

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