Feb 2025

Presentation handouts and leave-behinds are a great resource in giving your audience a tangible reminder of you and the company you represent. The problem is that they're oft-neglected and oft-ignored. So how do we create handouts that not only accurately represent our content, but look great and don't take a fortnight to create?

Feb 2025
19th Dec 2014

Review: Powtoon

The number of websites that allow the user to create narrated slides that can be exported and shared on multiple devices has increased dramatically. These websites all share a common goal – to get users to switch over from using PowerPoint. But can they actually serve as an alternative or are they getting ahead of themselves? I decided to answer my own question by testing out one of the sites in question and then pitting it against our beloved PowerPoint. How does PowToon compare to PowerPoint?

Feb 2025

Online learning is fast becoming the go-to method for delivering courses, and testing is becoming a key part of making sure that your participants take away the right information. The trouble is that getting someone to answer a question might be good in the moment, but how do you write questions that will test participants so that they’ll retain the information longer than a Snapchat...

Feb 2025

Training presentations done well can impart information that stays with you for a considerable amount of time. The same can be said about poor training presentations, but for all the wrong reasons. The good news is that all it takes is a few key techniques and people will end up taking much more away from your courses than the free pens and paper.

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