Sep 2024
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Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 5 years, you’ll likely have seen the use of colourful icons punctuating texts, tweets, emails, adverts. It seems these little pictures are becoming a weighty force in how we communicate. What does this mean for language? And most importantly, what does it have to do with PowerPoint presentations?!

Sep 2024

    I’m no designer, but I have had my fair share of painting classes and they’ve affected the way I think about color and in turn, the way I think about making slides. Color theory is one of the foundational concepts in fine arts, but it also has great relevance in many other areas, including presentations. Let's take a look at how color can help improve your next presentation.

    Sep 2024
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    As with many things in life, when you’re presenting, getting started is often the most challenging part. Often, once people get into the flow on a particular slide, they are fine. But starting off strongly, pulling together the first few words or phrases once you've clicked on to a blank new slide is typically something that people struggle with. Here are a few handy tips to keep up your sleeve for those mind-blank moments. 

    Sep 2024
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    We live in a noisy world. Advertisers constantly clamour for our attention and we’re much less likely to engage with something if we have to actively seek it out. The trend is that content is becoming bitesize. So how can we create content that will keep audiences engaged? Here are ten tips.

    Sep 2024
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    Do you class yourself as an introvert? Does the thought of presenting bring you out in the sweats? Don’t worry, we’ve got some great tips for you – and do you know what, extroverts can learn something too!

    Sep 2024
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    A major problem that people have when creating presentations is a lack of fluidity and cohesiveness between slides. Not only do smooth transitions make the deck more aesthetically appealing, but they also remove interruptions in the flow of information, which can give an audience an opportunity to tune out. Let's discuss some transition techniques from a basic to a more advanced skill level.

    Sep 2024
    • Comments: 2

    When designing presentations it can be easy to get swallowed up by the desire to exercise that design trick you’ve been dying to use, or to use white space in a quirky designer-y way; it is, after all, part of the nature of a designer to create interesting, beautiful things. What can be tricky, however, is to keep in mind how a person might absorb the information onscreen...

    Sep 2024

      As a designer that works in the field of presentation, I am constantly on the lookout for inspiration and new ways of thinking to further advance my presentation skills. Inspiration is all around, one of my favourite forms of ‘presentation’ are movies; specifically the title credits of a movie.

      Sep 2024
      • Comments: 10

      How marvellous that the recent versions of Office automatically embed videos into PowerPoint instead of linking them. And how frustrating when you bundle up your multimedia presentation and someone else reports that the videos don’t play on their PC. This is an issue we’ve come across many times over the years, and it can be very tricky and time-consuming to troubleshoot, so we’ve developed a little tool to help.

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