Sep 2024
  • Comments: 4

Whenever we see a presentation filled with bullet points - either as audience members or presenters - our hearts sink. We just know it's going to be a one-way ticket to boredom central. Deep down we all know that bullet points simply don't belong in a presentation, but why do they always manage to worm their way back in? Well, let's figure out why, and how we can stop them!

Sep 2024
  • Comments: 6

What's the difference between a presentation and a speech? Many people use the words interchangeably, but there are two main areas of difference. Speeches shouldn't be held up as examples of what those giving presentations should emulate.

Sep 2024
  • Comments: 7

Pitch Anything is a fascinating book. It’s about how to pitch, but much of it is about everything around the pitch – prospects who keep you waiting, decision makers who leave early, or even executives who sit drawing pictures while you are talking to them.

Sep 2024

    Any one of these 13 sales messaging mistakes could be costing you money. From failing to find persuasive messaging, to telling your story in a boring way that makes prospects switch off, to arming sales people with the wrong sales tools - if you make these mistakes, your sales will suffer.

    Sep 2024

      Before sitting down to write a sales presentation, it’s first necessary to understand what kind of a change you want your prospects to make. To do this, you need to understand what they are doing now, and what you are asking them to do instead. With this understanding, you can set clear (and SMART) sales presentation objectives.

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