Do you class yourself as an introvert? Does the thought of presenting bring you out in the sweats? Don’t worry, we’ve got some great tips for you – and do you know what, extroverts can learn something too!

It’s that moment when your boss drops a presentation on your desk and all you want to do is run and hide in the toilets. Presenting shouldn’t be a scary experience for anyone, especially introverts. But at the same time, introverts shouldn’t feel ashamed for feeling intimidated or apocalyptically stressed at the thought of presenting.

Understanding what makes an introvert introverted is a really key way of knowing how to best-respond in those stressful situations. We’ve got all our expertise from reading Susan Cain’s excellent book ‘Quiet’. Or if you don’t have time, you might want to check out her TEDTalk.

The next step is to use this knowledge in our presentation preparation. We need to be sure we’ve got great content that will help us out with the heavy-lifting, and we need to put the practice hours in beforehand so we don’t get overwhelmed on the day. And – spoiler alert – at the end of it all we give you a free pass to hang out with your friends and open a bottle of wine.

If that doesn’t sound much more civilised and less nausea-inducing than your first thought as the presentation dropped on your desk, then you’re going to want to take a look out our illustrated guide that explains just what introversion is, and how you can make a successful presentation by focusing on just five simple things.

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Hannah Harper

Principal consultant

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  1. Image of Lesley Taylor Lesley Taylor says:

    Great thoughts for getting started + I like to recommend that we introverts join Toastmasters International. It is the best way to hone your leadership and speaking skills on a regular basis. Cheers!

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