Created for PowerPoint users on PC and Mac the BrightSlide add-in will help you create, polish, and edit presentations at speed. It draws on industry-standard shortcuts to boost your workflow and provides amazing, extra functionality PowerPoint users have long dreamed of. Created for our presentation designers, but shared with you, for free. Work in PowerPoint like a pro!



BrandIn provides everything users across your organization need to create brand compliant content. It allows you to build a library of assets accessible from within PowerPoint, has customizable brand checking capabilities, and can even reduce the errors and file bloat associated with content migration. Control your brand, streamline your templates and files, and save time in PowerPoint.

The add-in brings AI-powered background removal to PowerPoint. Automatically remove image backgrounds in seconds. Thanks to's clever AI, there’s no need for fancy design software — produces top-quality results directly in PowerPoint, giving you more time to focus on your presentations.

ShowMaker allows users to quickly select relevant sections from a large presentation - based on the intelligence you build in - by answering questions about audience and objectives. It makes sure you present the right content, tracks which slides are presented, and lets users create custom copies for their audience on-the-fly for efficient follow-up.  

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