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Your search for ‘ ’ returned 177 results


How to change theme colors in PowerPoint

PowerPoint color themes are key to make your presentation look consistent and professional. Using theme colors correctly also makes it easy to change colors and branding later. And understanding how...


Designing effective eLearning assessments Part 1: Assess for success

Welcome to our series on eLearning assessments! In these four posts we’ll cover a lot of ground, taking you on a journey through the theory behind effective eLearning assessments and...


How to create PowerPoint templates that work

Your organization needs a functional PowerPoint template. “We already have a PowerPoint template” I hear you sigh! Well, problem solved. Or is it? It’s highly likely that the people creating...


Presentation design agency for Google Slides?

Google Slides is a popular tool for creating presentations. It’s widely accessible and has an intuitive interface, meaning it’s very easy to learn and use for the first time. If...


Online training for the TikTok generation

For some of us, TikTok is simply the sound a clock makes, but with 75% of its nearly one billion users under the age of 34, the video app has...


The best free PowerPoint templates online

When creating presentations in PowerPoint it’s important to have a template to ensure design consistency, but it takes time, effort and skill to create high quality templates and masters. Of...


Stunning Presentation Design Using PowerPoint Morph

Welcome to the playground of my imagination! In this post we look at the mind-bending world of Morph and how to use it create stunning design effects in PowerPoint. Morph...


How to create responsive SVGs and smart icons in PowerPoint

SVGs are the common format for icons and illustrations in PowerPoint. They’re terrific, until you try to change the fill or line colour of multi-colour graphics, which is when they...


The best free Google Slides templates

Google Slides templates are a great starting point to improve the look and feel of your presentation. They’re fab as they’re accessible and low cost, but it’s important to remember...


How to share your Google Slides presentation

Wondering how to share a Google Slides presentation? Good news! It’s a pretty simple process. There are multiple ways of sharing a Google Slides deck. The right method for you...


How to customise presentation icons in PowerPoint

Icons are a versatile tool for visual presentations, replacing boring bullets and playing an integral role in storytelling. Custom presentation icons are crucial to building a strong brand identity across...


Review: New sales. Simplified by Mike Weinberg

Mike Weinberg’s book New Sales. Simplified is the sort of book that savvy sales directors should be reading and taking notes from. It draws a clear distinction between sales to...


Protecting your prized PowerPoint content

You spend hours, if not days, or even months creating your presentation content and then get asked for a copy. It’s your baby (and your intellectual property) so why should...


The ULTIMATE guide to presentation skills

Presenting well isn’t a gift you’re born with. It’s true that some people are naturally more charismatic than others, but this doesn’t always make them good presenters. For a lot...

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